Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Rainy day inspiration

The forecast called for more than 5" rain today (+ thunder and lightning... wooo!) so naturally the rain (+ thunder and lightning) inspired some watercolor paintings. I used Crayola's Washable Watercolors set, so haha, not professional at all but whatever.


Dragon waves

Sunday, August 31, 2014

I finally had time to sketch a couple portraits- yay! I've been wanting to draw for a long time, but kept putting it off with work and other stuff. But not this time! It's not much and I'm hoping to improve my drawing skills, aka move beyond facial portraits to other subjects (human figures, animals, etc.). I'll try to post at least one drawing a month, but being in the last year of my grad school career, free time is somewhat hard to come by. Enjoy!
Guess who this is?? Audrey Hepburn... one of my favorite actresses

Girl with the pearl earring, only without the earring, haha